House Officers (PGY2) Medical & Surgical Clinical Attachments

  • Waikato
  • Full time
  • Healthcare
  • Posted 28 days ago

Job Description

Mō tēnei tūranga mahi | About this role

House Officers - Various Medical & Surgical Clinical Attachments available
Waikato Hospital
Fixed Term

Applications are invited for House Officer Positions at Waikato District.

PGY2 and above only

We have limited vacancies for PGY2's and above. Preference will be given to those specialities required at the time.

Waikato Hospital is a teaching hospital and the major tertiary referral center providing specialised and emergency healthcare for the Midlands and Waikato area, with patient’s catchment of ~ 900,000 people. It is the only major District Health Board in New Zealand to offer all surgical specialties on one campus and is the major trauma hospital for the Midland region. 
This is an excellent opportunity to experience what Waikato has to offer in our large tertiary setting before honing in on a training pathway. We provide an excellent training environment with very good supervision, as well as opportunities for career planning and development as you will gain extensive experience in a wide variety of settings.
Waikato Hospital has 525 general inpatient beds, performs in excess of 21,000 surgical procedures per year in the 22 theatre operating suite, and sees an average of 220 emergency department presentations per day.
Located in Hamilton city, the third largest city in North Island; 1½ hours drive south of Auckland, and offers a superb lifestyle and quality-of-life working environment. As the largest employer in Hamilton, there is a varied and approachable social network based around the hospital. It is within easy reach of both West Coast surfing and East Coast leisure beaches. The Ruapehu Ski-fields are three hours drive away, and there are outstanding opportunities for hiking, sailing, fishing, biking and many other outdoor activities within the Waikato, and throughout New Zealand.

To be eligible to apply for these positions you must:
  • Hold a General Scope of Registration with Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) if you are a NZ/AU Graduate.
  • Have at least 2 years post graduate experience and hold General Registration, if you are from UK or any other comparable health system country.
  • Have completed Internship (1 year) and General Registration, if applying from Ireland.
Please note – it is your responsibility to provide three current references.  To print off the referee report, please click on the “Reference form” icon below.  Please ask your referees to return the completed form to us, or you can attach them to this application.
If you are an overseas doctor would you please visit the Medical Council of New Zealand web site to ensure that your qualifications meet their criteria for registration to practice medicine in New Zealand. You can check your eligibility by clicking 

You will need to complete the six questions to ascertain whether or not you are eligible for registration in NZ.  If you do not have access to do the self-assessment test on-line you can contact the MCNZ by telephone: +64 4 384 7635.
Closing Date: Ongoing


Theme “People at Heart” – Te iwi Ngakaunui
  • Give and earn respect - Whakamana
  • Listen to me; talk to me - Whakarongo
  • Fair play - Mauri Pai
  • Growing the good - Whakapakari
  • Stronger together - Kotahitanga