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Job Description
Mō tēnei tūranga mahi | About this role
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi. Engari, he toa takitini.
Success is not the work of one, but the work of many.
Permanent, Full-time or Part-time
Up to 80 hours per fortnight
Are you an Intensive Care Physician looking for a great balance of interesting work and excellent lifestyle? Then look no further than Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand. A place where we value He kauanuanu – Respect; Ākina – Improvement; Rāranga te tira – Teamwork and Tauwhiro – Care.
We are expanding our team so this is an exciting opportunity to apply for a permanent position in a stunning area of New Zealand.
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora, Te Matau a Māui Hawke’s Bay Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a Level 2 ICU providing a high standard of general intensive care to both adults and children. It has a diverse and interesting case mix and the ability to deliver complex multisystem life support including non-invasive and mechanical ventilation, extra-corporeal renal replacement therapy and invasive cardiac monitoring.
Health NZ Hawkes’ Bay ICU currently has a total of 13 beds providing both HDU and ICU level care but the really exciting news is that ICU is to undergo an extensive rebuild and refurbishment to bring it up to modern standards and increase its bed capacity. This multimillion-dollar project is expected to start in the next year to allow us to continue to deliver high quality care and meet capacity until a new hospital for Te Whatu Ora Hawke’s Bay is built within the next 10 years.
The Intensive Care Unit currently has a team of nine ICU specialists, one Fellow and 14 Registrars. HBICU is the only regional ICU in NZ accredited for CICM general and rural raining. Our Intensive Care Physicians have high clinical profile within the department and are committed to the delivery of excellent quality medical care. In addition to clinical skills, there are a wide range of opportunities including teaching, aeromedical transport, ICU leadership, research and quality improvement and trainee supervision. Our ICU contributes to national and international research trials including ANZICS clinical Trials.
Remuneration will consist of:
- Qualification and experience step alignment with the ASMS SECA
- On-call allowances
- Employer matched Superannuation contributions of up to 6% of annual earnings
- Relocation package including removal costs, flights, accommodation and car hire*
- Reimbursement of:
- Annual Practicing Certificate costs
- Medical Defence Assurance fees
- College Membership Fees
- Study and conference leave*
* Conditions apply and are subject to change
Hawke’s Bay is famous for its excellent seaside ‘Mediterranean’ climate, wine, food, cultural events and outdoor recreational activities. There is a strong sense of community. It is a wonderful place to raise children with a number of excellent schools that receive national recognition. The area offers an enviable lifestyle with a choice of urban or rural living, and little traffic congestion.
Come and develop your career, working in a wonderful part of New Zealand in modern facilities with a dedicated, enthusiastic and fun team.
Applicants must be registered or eligible for vocational registration, with the New Zealand Medical Council as an Intensive Care Physician and be a Fellow of the College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand (CICM), or equivalent.
To view the position profile, click HERE.
For further information, please contact Dr Louise Trent, FCICM, FANZCA, aFRACMA, Head of Department, ICU